It’s Rocky Mountain National Park’s 100th year and we want you to come celebrate! From fee-free days to a variety of educational and fun programs, you’ll be happy you came to the Centennial celebration in Estes Park.

If you’re looking for some upcoming free days to enter and explore Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP), here are 2015’s dates:

February 14 – 16: In observance of Presidents Day
April 18 – 19: National Park Week’s opening weekend
August 25: National Park Service’s Birthday
September 26: National Public Lands Day
November 11: In observance of Veterans Day

If you’re more interested in the activities, we’ve put together a few highlights:

Colorado Mountain Club

Join RMNP’s original partner through a series of climbs, hikes, or snowshoe adventures of 100 of the 125 named peaks in the park. The Colorado Mountain Club was influential in getting Congress to establish the RMNP.  Get the details online.

Climb on!

Head over to the Estes Park Museum, 200 Fourth St., to learn more about rock climbing in Estes Valley and how the pioneers did it way back in the day! Free admission, daily admittance between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Centennial Saturday Night: An evening of wilderness, wildlife, and wonder

Join a Ranger at 7 p.m. on certain Saturday nights for a 45 minute program. The themes of each night change, where some talk about fire ecology and its effect on the park’s health, some cover bear and other wildlife encounters the Rangers face, or learn more about the wildflowers found on the grounds of the park.

Rocky Mountain High Golf

Tee off the weekend of June 12 at the Grand Lake Golf Course and enjoy spectacular views during your game. Discounted green fees are available in honor of the Centennial as well as anniversary memorabilia.

If you love Rocky Mountain National Park so much and want to enjoy of all of these upcoming events, we highly recommend you take advantage of our January online special! If you stay two nights in January, not only will we give you a third night on us, we’ll also give you a free annual pass to the park! That way you can come back and explore as much as you like! We hope you’ll love to stay in one of our beautiful Estes Park cabins again as well.

For more information on Rocky Mountain National Park’s Centennial celebration, visit their 100th Anniversary page. The celebration runs until September 4, 2015.